02/16/2025 Bulletin

Opening Song:  
  • Crown Him with Many Crowns

Welcome & Announcements
  • Church Prayer: Join us in the conference room from 9:00-9:30am for a time of prayer together. We will be praying for our church, individual concerns and our desire to know Christ better.
  • Sunday School: Join us at 9:30 in the Sanctuary Classrooms to hear a missionary update from Kent Eller. Kids meet in the Fellowship Hall before going to their classes.
  • Wednesday Night Activities: Make plans to join us on Wednesday nights! We have mid-week groups for men, women, and children. This is a great time to grow closer to the Lord and one another. Meal starts at 6:00, and Kingdom Kids, Youth Group (6th-12th), Refresh, and Iron Men starts at 6:30.
  • Elder Nominations: The Nominating Committee is in the process of gathering names for potential elders. If you have any suggestions or questions, contact: Gale Zellweger, Todd Heck, Darren Bundt, Vernon Bundt, or Chaun Bergmeier.
  • My Chains are Gone (Amazing Grace)
  • Revelation Song

  • "The Gospel and Its Requirements" (Acts 2:22-40)

Closing Song:  
  • Be Thou My Vision