Our Mission is "To Know Christ And To Make Him Known."

Foundational to our mission is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that God is holy and we have sinned against God. Our sin has separated us from God.  
  • But God the Father, sent His Son, Jesus Christ to restore this broken relationship. Jesus lived a perfect life and died on the cross as our substitute. On the 3rd day, He rose again, victorious over sin and death.
  • And now all who trust in Jesus Christ are forgiven of their sins and receive eternal life.

Because of His great work for us, it is our mission to Know Christ and to Make Him Known, in our church, in our community, and in our world.


The Bible - The authority of the Bible and living according to all that it teaches

Missions - Reaching people for Jesus in our communities and around the world

Relationships - Healthy, meaningful relationships for everyone in the church body

Discipleship - Encouraging all believers to grow in a vibrant relationship with Christ and training them for ministry

Stewardship - Each one serving God and others with the resources and abilities God has given them

Family - Building strong families

Prayer - Group and personal prayer as the foundation of all we do

Worship - Glorifying God in our worship